Saturday, March 27, 2010

Nicholas Nickleby

Ever heard of that? I hadn't, not till a week ago. But oh my goodness, is this movie amazing! Rated PG and around 2 hours long, with romance, tragedy, and much more. Nicholas Nickleby, a kind, gendle-hearted young man has just lost his father, and must travel to London with his mother and sister in search of something to do. It doesn't have to pay much, just enough for them to use for food and shelter. Nicholas is sent away to be a school teacher, and his sister becomes a seamstress. And they live happily ever after. Not. No, it does not end this way. Their private world of secluded, England country beauty is no more. They must learn to survive in a cruel world. I am totally in love with this movie. I'm not gonna give anything away, for you should see it yourself if you have not already. =) Anne Hathaway is in this movie, btw. =) =D It has some scenes which you may not want young children watching, but is clean all the way through, with perhaps a couple words. (I think...) Although we actually have a movie cleaner, which skips words and scenes we want it to skip, so it may have done so without me knowing (??). But I really <3 this movie. 5 star! =)

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