Friday, April 16, 2010

The Blind Side

You have all heard of this movie, undoubtedly. Oh my goodness, is this movie amazing! It is rated pg-13 for one scene involving violence, language, and a couple references. Sandra Bullock is one of the lead characters, playing the role of a very rich christian wife who is very used to getting her way. Sandra plays so well, making her character have an awesome accent, boss guys around, and oh my goodness I just have her. haha She just keeps getting better and better in each of her movies. =D =D  So, this is a story about a boy. A big boy, named Michael. Michael is colored, huge, and knows very little, resulting in him being treated very differently than others. But he has a gift, that only those who know him are aware of. He has a protective nature, protective instincts that help keep those he loves safe. He demonstrates this time and again throughout the movie, and when his new family (Sandra's character adopts him into her family) realizes this and supports him in his decisions. He attends a school and finally gets grades good enough to allow him onto the football team. I am not going to spoil anything else. This is too good not to watch. Really. Now once you get off the computer, you must go rent that movie if you have not seen it!! =)

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